Belfort Straight Line

Sick of being swung through the air at high speeds and getting smashed against rushing white orbs, Ian Happs bat finally got a bit of revenge tonight, tripping up. AS SEEN IN THE BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET Exactly How To Ethically Persuade Anyone To Take Any Action. PLUS Increase Your Income, Sales. Straight Line Persuasion System Jordon Belfort Complete Notes Review. Jordon Belfort is one of the main leading character played by Leonardo Di. Caprio in the movie The Wolf of Wall Sreet. The real Jordon Belfort in real life is a motivational speaker, an author is also having his famous The Straight Line Persuasion System Training Coaching Program which is retailed at 1. I was intriguad skeptic about his Sales System developed by him, which has been used by everyone who wants to better understand sales marketing psychology. I have been going through the course since past week and have been utilizing my time by creating notes of the whole series of videos which his coaching program included in the package. Begin Vcard Version 2.1 on this page. Jordan-Belfort-5-Senses.png' alt='Jordan Belfort Straight Line Sales Training' title='Jordan Belfort Straight Line Sales Training' />Jordan Belfort Straight Line Persuasion ReviewsHeres the note review for the system made by yours truly. At the end of this post you will also find an option to download the PDF of this same notes The Straight Line System. Its Goal Orientated Selling vs Random Conversations. You have to look at the end result first which is to close and make money. Tenants Of The Straight Line System       Both conscious unconscious       Its not small talk       Its about them recognising that you care and are an expert and can help them achieve their goals       It never ends       There are specific questions you need to ask       You need to listen a lot more than talk. Controlling the sale by keeping it on the straight line       The straight line is the perfect sale but they will try to get you off the line       You need to keep them as close to the line and when you are off the line you do only two things        Develop rapport       Gather intelligence       You must control the line. Find and buy Jordan Belfort tickets at Ticketmaster. THE 4 MUSTS OF MASTERING THE STRAIGHT LINE SYSTEM1    Set your goals just above what you think is possible and make them bigger and brighter. Use Positive Think Language Patterns       Self talk       The first person you must sell is you. Find your WHY4    Shed all programming that sales is evil. Examples of Great Persuaders. Bill Gates. Warren Buffet. Oprah Winfrey. Key Points. You must vanquish your fear of failing or looking stupid in the process. Sometimes you have to look foolish in the name of progress. There is no embarrassment in struggling the embarrassment is in quitting. All people care about is how much heart you have when you do something. Never blame externally look and examine why internally       We do this because of fear and it stops us from moving forward. The only thing that stops you from getting what you want in life is the bullshit story you tell yourself why you cant       be honest with yourself. Things To Take Advantage Of An Opportunity. Where you are. Where you want to go. How to get there. Types of People. Those who get everything in life       The influencers       Creature of circumstance       You should see things as they are not worse than what they are       Instead see them better than they are and go for that. At this point he states you might be sceptical because you are now consciously incompetent. Jordan-Belfort-4-Seconds-3-Things.jpg?ssl=1' alt='Belfort Straight Line' title='Belfort Straight Line' />Actions       What would you do with the money Module 0. Art Of Prospecting, 5 Keys To Sales Mastery. Prospecting is not just about finding people who are interested in buying your product or service, but about weeding out the people who are not interested or who dont qualify. Looking for the nugget. Never try and turn non buyers into buyers. Archetypes. There are people who are ready       Great group. Jordan Belfort Straight Line TorrentPeople not quite ready and still shopping       Good group       Not good. People who could be dragged and still wont buy       Not good. You need to qualify people quickly. You must use a script. The Art of Sifting. You MUST be quick, elegant, and non alienating. You MUST use a script. Keep your powder dry       Keep your best stuff until you need it       People have inner blocks and beliefs to buying. The action threshold. Is an unconscious set point past which the person will take action. Its the sum of all the good things. Its the sum of all the negative things. Limiting beliefs. People run movies on the negatives and positives of buying. The Action Threshold is the unconscious set point that somebody has to be motivated to in order to take action. The Sales Funnel. Work backwards from how much you want to hear. Ps3 Winning Eleven 2009 Patch'>Ps3 Winning Eleven 2009 Patch. If you want to make 2. Thats 4k a week which is 2 sales       That is 6 pitches       That needs 8 appointment       That needs 4. That needs 2. 4 dials per day. The only thing you can control for sure is the dials. D-Book-Checklist.jpg' alt='Jordan Belfort Straight Line Persuasion' title='Jordan Belfort Straight Line Persuasion' />First Impression. You have only 4 seconds on the phone to communicate       Enthusiastic as hell       Sharp as a tack       A figure of authority. This shows you a person who can give them control of their lives and help them achieve their goals. With his investment firm Stratton Oakmont, Jordan Belfort made a fortune using illegal means and hardsell tactics. Learn more about his life and career at Biography. The Wolf of Wall Street true story vs. Meet the real Jordan Belfort, Donnie Azoff Danny Parush and Mark Hanna. Background. A UFC Middleweight Championship bout between Chris Weidman and Vitor Belfort was expected to serve as the event headliner. The much delayed pairing was. In a candid roundtable with Jonah Hill and writer Terence Winter, the films major players open up about airplane orgies, scoring quaaludes, Steven Spielberg on set. Buy Wolf Of Wall Street Read 16744 Movies TV Reviews Amazon. Jordan Belfort is the real Wolf of Wall Street. Speaking across the world, Jordan has been teaching his ethical persuasion technique to thousands. The way you are dressed       The way you carry yourself. People will make a mental picture of you on the phone. Trust. Certainty. Clarity. Conviction. Courage. Confidence. This is what people want. You want to be perceived instantly as an authority figure. The Lot Chart. I want to earn 1,0. I need. Module 0. Mastering Tonality, Capture Attention in 4 Seconds. Tonality is the hidden part of persuasion because it speaks to someone on an emotional level. It helps develop rapport on an unconscious level. FIRST SCRIPT You have 4 seconds Hi, is John there Hi, John This is, calling from Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida. Hows it going today Great Now, if you recall, you attended a seminar last Thursday night over at the Marriott Hotel, with one of our top Forex traders, James Arnell. Does that ring a bellOPENING SCRIPT DISTINCTIONSIt must capture the friend to friend tone. Principles And Techniques Of Language Teaching Pdf on this page. While you are listening and watching the exercise on the video, pay attention and take note of the following tonal distinctions 1 Use up tones to pace and lead. Raise your voice at the end of Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida to infer a micro agreement. If you say it low it communicates that you dont care  By raising your voice it communicates right you recall dont you  They will then go to remember it. Use a tone of mystery at Now if you recal. L    Now they try and recall    Narrow your eyes when you do this. Hows it going today contracted says, I really want to know5 The power of the pause, not before at the Marriott Hotel. Five beats is the kill zone of the pause in the script. Withoneofour said as one word  Group words together and stand others out. Raise your tone to say, Does that ring a bell8 The words, One of our top traders are groupedsaid together. Use hypnotic patterns. SECOND SCRIPT And one last chance. Charisma is about tonality. Okay, great. Well, the reason for the call today is that youre one of the last of the group who hasnt actually enrolled yet, and if you have sixty. Id like to share an idea with you. You got a minute CLOSING SCRIPT DISTINCTIONSWhile listening to and watching the exercise on the video, take note of the following tonal distinctions 1  Use transition words Well, now, and but. Ok great enthusiastic. Slight drop in tone at Well, the reason for the call implies you have a secret and scarcity. Emphasize that its scarce that theres not a lot around. Your tone must be congruent with this Use transition words to go up and down in tone and volume.