Far Beyond Driven Rar

Entropy. A subject that comes back again and again and again and again and again in this blog. And so does the question in my inbox what exactly is. RAR QLD Defence News. HMAS Newcastle receives special gifts from Aussie Hero Quilts 1. Nov 1. 71. 4 Nov. The hard working volunteers from Aussie Hero Quilts have wowed HMAS Newcastles crew with their hand made quilts and laundry bags literally covering the ship from bow to stern. HMAS Newcastles Chaplain, Cornelius Bosch, managed the orders for Newcastle on behalf of Aussie Hero Quilts and said the ships company deeply appreciated the hard work and well wishes of the quilters. The coordination and receipt of the quilts and laundry bags was a huge success and provided a huge boost to the morale of the ships company, he said. Once the word was out to the sailors that quilts and laundry bags were available for request, a steady stream of orders came in to be sent to the quilters back home. Quick Router Wifi Stc. The requests from Newcastle sailors were extremely creative, with design requests ranging across unicorns, united football clubs, Newcastle themes, nautical blue turtles, pugs and pink Disney princesses. The quilters painstakingly made some amazing pieces of art. CPONPC Frank Ritchie was very surprised to discover that his work of art was signed by Port Adelaide AFL Football Team. My quilter went all out to complete her handiwork and had it signed by the players especially for a long time supporter of the Port Power, he said. Chap Bosch said the gifts from home sends sent a simple message with great impact. It says, we care about what you do for us left at home and we care about you, he said. It provides a connection with the nation we love and call home. To the sailor isolated from family it provides a real morale boost and can make their day. Torrentz domain names are for sale. Send an offer to contactinventoris. Family Newcastle would like to thank all quilters and supporters of Aussie Hero Quilts that have made it possible for Newcastle personnel to receive a quilt. Newcastles deployment to the Middle East on Operation Manitou is the 6. Sydney in December. Defence News and Media. JTF 6. 29 graduates first class in the Philippines 1. Nov 1. 71. 4 Nov. The Australian Defence Forces Joint Task Force 6. Filipino soldiers through a new Urban Close Combat training course run by a deployed Land Mobile Training Team as part of Operation Augury Philippines. Operation Augury is a domestic and international counter terrorism and counter violent extremism effort by the Australian Defence Force, and Operation Augury Philippines is part of the Whole of Australian Government effort to work closely with the Government of the Philippines in its fight against terrorism, sharing the determination to defeat Daesh affiliated groups in the southern Philippines. Commander of Joint Task Force 6. Lieutenant Colonel Ben Mc. Lennan said one of the ADFs key missions in the Philippines was to help the Filipino soldiers and marines to become even more capable at fighting the enemy in urban environments. This was the type of environment they were confronted with during the Marawi siege this year. There were numerous battle hardened foreign terrorist fighters that joined the movement to take over Marawi, Lieutenant Colonel Mc. Lennan said. The Armed Forces of the Philippines had to fight them in the urban environment to regain the city. The conflict lasted more than four months and the Armed Forces of the Philippines suffered a number of casualties in some very vicious fighting. They did an outstanding job and proved themselves to be an extraordinarily capable fighting force, especially considering their training and experience has historically centred on jungle warfare rather than fighting in urban environments. Lieutenant Colonel Mc. Lennan said in the case of the Australia Army, a majority of experience over the past 1. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Pantera_-_Far_Beyond_Driven_-_back.jpg' alt='Far Beyond Driven Rar' title='Far Beyond Driven Rar' />Middle East. Thats why we are here to share that experience and knowledge with our Filipino partners, he said. We want them to benefit from what weve learned in that type of fight. The first JTF6. Urban Close Combat Course was run by approximately 8. Australian Armys 3rd Brigade, with some additional support staff from the Royal Australian Air Force. Their students were 1. Us Leisure Stronghold Shed Manual there. Philippine Armys 2nd Infantry Division Jungle Fighters and airmen from the Philippines Air Force. Far Beyond Driven Rar' title='Far Beyond Driven Rar' />Training Team Leader, Australian Army Lieutenant Wes Walsh said the Filipino soldiers were very enthusiastic towards the training, which was particularly meaningful to them given their experiences in Marawi. Moving through the training serials with each new skill set we introduced, there was always an ahah moment with the Filipino soldiers, Lieutenant Walsh said. They would tell us the training serial was perfectly applicable to the situations they had seen in Marawi and they would acknowledge how useful those skills would be moving forward. Lieutenant Walsh said he was pleased by how well the soldiers from the two nations worked together. They have learned some really valuable lessons, and there is no question we have also learned a lot from the Filipino soldiers, he said. Major General Rhoderick M Parayno, Commander 2nd Infantry Division of the Philippine Army, said he was incredibly impressed by the training package run by the Australians for his soldiers. If all our troops had had this kind of training before the Marawi siege happened we probably would have had less casualties on our side and it would have sped up the completion of the campaign, which took us more than 4 months to finish, Major General Prayno said. Given the experience we have had here, we would like to elevate this kind of relationship to an even higher level. Two days after the Filipino soldiers graduated from the ADF run course, they conducted a demonstration of their new urban warfare skills for The Prime Minister of Australia, The Honourable Malcolm Turnbull MP, at the Armed Forces of the Philippines Headquarters in Manila. Speaking to the Australian and Filipino soldiers after the demonstration, Prime Minister Turnbull reaffirmed Australias commitment to helping the Philippines win the war on violent extremists and terrorists. We are in the same fight and that is why now more than ever the Australian Defence Force, the Armed Forces of the Philippines are working together, supporting each other, learning from each other, fighting the fight. Prime Minister Turnbull said. We cannot afford to lose. Australians, Filipinos youre on the frontline thank you for your service, our freedom depends on your courage. The next JTF 6. Philippines in early December. Defence News and Media. Air Force Spartan embarks on international exercise in New Caledonia 1. Nov 1. 71. 3 Nov. Over the period 1. November 2. 01. 7, 4. Royal Australian Air Force RAAF personnel and a C 2. EMail Alerts Get Updates On Articles Videos CLICK to Sign Up for Alerts TaxDeductible Donations Brother Nathanael Foundation is a 501c3 NonProfit Organization. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. What is defined. There are rules of naming and organizing files, rules that dictate how a file must be packaged and an nfo file, that contains required information. Back in 2015, we welcomed Emma Critchley now Lloyd to TLC Marketing. In those 2 years, Emma has been responsible for developing website content, bringing campaigns. J Spartan transport aircraft will participate in Exercise MHANUU 2. New Caledonia.   MHANUU is hosted by the French Armed Forces of New Caledonia FANC and involves rehearsing regional humanitarian assistance and disaster relief HADR scenarios. As the South Pacific is prone to natural disasters, the Australian Defence Force is committed to working closely with its regional partners to provide life saving humanitarian assistance as required. The Spartan, from No. Squadron at RAAF Base Richmond, has joined the FANC Air base near Noumea and will operate in coordination with French aircraft during the Exercise. Commanding Officer No. Squadron Wing Commander Jarrod Pendlebury, said MHANUU serves as a valuable training experience for Air Force. Standard warez Wikipedia. Standards in the warez scene are defined by groups of people who have been involved in its activities for several years and have established connections to large groups. These people form a committee, which creates drafts for approval of the large groups. Outside the warez scene, often referred to as p. In warez distribution, all releases must follow these predefined standards to become accepted material. The standards committee usually cycles several drafts and finally decides which is best suited for the purpose, and then releases the draft for approval. Once the draft has been e signed by several bigger groups, it becomes ratified and accepted as the current standard. There are separate standards for each category of releases. All groups are expected to know and follow the standards. What is definededitThere are rules of naming and organizing files, rules that dictate how a file must be packaged and an nfo file, that contains required information, must be added with the content. The first part of a standards document usually defines the format properties for the material, like codec, bitrate, resolution, file type and file size. Creators of the standard usually do comprehensive testing to find optimal codecs and settings for sound and video to maximize image quality in the selected file size. When choosing file size, the limiting factor is the size of the media to be used such as 7. MB for CD R. The standards are designed such that a certain amount of content will fit on each piece of media, with the best possible quality in terms of size. If more discs are required for sufficient quality, the standard will define the circumstances where it is acceptable to expand to a second or third disc. Newer video standards moved away from the size constraints and replaced them with a quality based alternative such as the use of CRF. New codecs are usually tested annually to check if any offer any conclusive enhancement in quality or compression time. In general, quality is not sacrificed for speed, and the standards will usually opt for the highest quality possible, even if this takes much longer. For example, releases using the Xvid encoder must use the two pass encoding method, which takes twice as long as a single pass, but achieves much higher quality similarly, DVD R releases that must be re encoded often use 6 or 8 passes to get the best quality. When choosing the file format, platform compatibility is important. Formats are chosen such that they can be used on any major platform with little hassle. Some formats such as Clone. CD can only be used on Windows computers, and these formats are generally not chosen for use in the standards. PackagingeditNext, the standard usually talks about how to package the material. Allowed package formats today are limited to RAR and ZIP, of which the latter is used only in 0 day releases. The sizes of the archives within the distributed file vary from the traditional 3 floppy disk 1. MB or extra high density disk 2. MB to 5 MB, 1. 5 MB typical for CD images or 2. MB typical for CD images of console releases, 5. MB files typical for DVD images, and 1. MB for dual layer DVD images. These measurements are not equivalent to traditional measurement of file size which is 1. KB to a MB, 1. 02. MB to a GB in a typical DVD release, each RAR file is exactly 5. In binary prefix thats 5. Formerly, the size of volumes were limited by the RAR file naming scheme, which produced extensions. This allowed for 1. For example, a DVD R image 4. Gi. B, split into 1. MB. The new RAR naming format, name. MB for historical reasons and because the old RAR naming format is still being widely used. Different compression levels are used for each type of material being distributed. The reason for this is that some material compresses much better than others. Movies and MP3 files are already compressed with near maximum capacity. Repacking them would just create larger files and increase decompression time. Ripped movies are still packaged due to the large file size, but compression is disallowed and the RAR format is used only as a container. Because of this, modern playback software can easily play a release directly from the packaged files,8 and even stream it as the release is downloaded if the network is fast enough. MP3 and music video releases are an exception in that they are not packaged into a single archive like almost all other sections. These releases have content that is not further compressible without loss of quality, but also have small enough files that they can be transferred reliably without breaking them up. Since these releases rarely have large numbers of files, leaving them unpackaged is more convenient and allows for easier scripting. For example, scripts can read ID3 information from MP3s and sort releases based on those contents. Rules for naming files and folders are an important part of the standards. Correctly named folders make it easier to maintain clean archives and unique filenames allow dupecheck to work properly. Theres a defined character set which can be used in naming of the folders. The selected character set is chosen to minimize problems due to the many platforms a release may encounter during its distribution. Since FTP servers, operating systems or file systems may not allow special characters in file or directory names, only a small set of characters is allowed. Substitutions are made where special characters would normally be used e. This can happen automatically by site scripts. As a note, spaces are explicitly disallowed in current standards and are substituted with underscores or full stops. The ubiquitous character set includes the upper and lower case English alphabet, numerals, and several basic punctuation marks. It is outlined below. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. A typical example of the folder name of a movie release would be. Title. Of. The. Movie. YEAR. Source. Codec GROUPThe Xvid scene does not allow the use of parenthesesruleset 3 and the BDR scene also doesnt allow the use of an underscore,ruleset 4 while those are common with music releases. Dots arent used in the required naming scheme for music videos. Square brackets arent defined in any ruleset, however they are used by p. The best known example is a. XXo. Standards documents have often a date defined when the rules take effect. The warez scene typically follows the UTC time standard. There is no formal record documenting correct times for all releases. Depending on geographical location and the timing of releases, release sites receive software releases at slightly different times. Release times in any single source may vary by as much as two weeks. ConsequenceseditIf a group violates a standard, the release will be nuked. Another group will often proper the release. This proper usually requires a sample or a detailed explanation to prove the flaw in the material, unless the flaw was clear enough for the release to be nuked at releasing time. Flaws that arent immediately visible can be found during testing of the material, such as a broken crack or a bad serial. These sanctions are social in nature and can be initiated by anyone within the community. Video standardseditThere are several standards to release movies, TV show episodes and other video material to the scene.