The Pillows Discography For

Neck and Arm Pain. Neck and Arm Pain. NECK AND ARM PAIN AND RELATED SYMPTOMSCERVICAL SPINE DISORDERSThe Cervical Spine. The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae, each shaped like a building block, separated from one another by shock absorbing pads called intervertebral discs which allow the spine to move freely. Each disc consists of a nucleus pulposis of pulpy consistency in its center, surrounded and contained by the tough fibrous membrane called the annulus fibrosis which is attached circumferentially to the adjacent vertebral bodies. The cervical spinal column provides strong, flexible support of the head and protection of the spinal cord. It is in constant motion during the waking hours. Age Of Empire Pocket Pc more. Attached to the back of each vertebral body, by two struts of bone called pedicles, one on each side, is an arch of bone lamina that encloses a hollow space, much like a tube, that runs the length of the spine and contains the spinal cord and spinal nerves. At each vertebral level a pair of spinal nerves right and left nerve roots exits from the spinal column through openings called foramina these nerves supply sensation to the skin and power to the muscles of the arms and hands. The spinal cord itself carries the motor and sensory nerve pathways to the trunk and legs, including nerves that control bowel, bladder and sexual function. The spinal cord and nerve roots are enclosed in a tough membrane called the dura, inside of which is a flimsy membrane called the arachnoid, containing the clear colourless spinal fluid which bathes the spinal cord and nerves. Each vertebra is connected to the vertebrae above and below by several strong ligaments as well as by the discs. Small unco vertebral joints are located at the sides of each vertebral body, one on the right and one on the left, by which each vertebral body articulates with is neighbours. Right and left facet joints also support the spinal column, and each vertebra also articulates with its neighbours at the facet joints they are located behind the vertebral bodies and lateral to the laminae. Large strong muscles run the length of the cervical spine, in front, beside and behind the vertebral column, maintaining and controlling head position and neck movement. Degenerative or Aging Changes. Progressive degenerative changes aging changes occur in the cervical spine of all adults. The nucleus portion of the discs gradually dry out and become thinner, allowing the adjacent vertebrae to become closer together. As a result, the annulus portion of the discs tend to bulge. The Pillows Discography For' title='The Pillows Discography For' />Because the vertebral bodies come to lie closer together, there is increased wear and tear on the joints of the vertebral column, especially the unco vertebral joints, the facet joints and disc margins, resulting in the gradual formation of bony overgrowths spurs, osteophytes, osteoarthritis, bone hypertrophy all synonyms in this context at the disc margins, at the unco vertebral joints and at the facet joints. This process is the normal aging process, and it begins in middle life. It is sometimes called spondylosis, and is present to a greater or lesser degree in all adults. The vast majority of individuals with these aging changes, even though the changes are quite advanced, are free of pain or any other symptoms. Various aging or degenerative changes such as bulging, degenerated or protruding discs, bony spurs or overgrowths, and facet joint hypertrophy are seen in X rays, CT scans or MR scans of the cervical spine in over half the adult population. Pain. Neck pain. Pain nerve endings are located in the various ligaments and muscles in the neck, as well as in the facet and unco vertebral joints and the outer layer of the disc annulus fibrosis. When these structures are irritated, strained or inflamed, pain is felt in the back of the neck, and may spread toward the shoulders but not down the arms, and is commonly felt between the shoulder blades referred pain. Neck pain, which is a very common symptom in the general population, is usually muscular or ligamentous in origin, and is usually self limited although it can be persistent. The natural processes of healing of areas of inflammation result in improvement in almost all cases. In fact, the pain from serious neck injuries such as fractures, dislocations and most cervical spine surgery almost always resolves after a few weeks or at most a few months. There is usually little if any correlation between neck pain and the degenerative changes so commonly seen on x rays and scans. Cervical nerve root pain. In the relatively rare situation in which a cervical nerve root is severely irritated or compressed, there is severe sharp pain radiating all the way down the arm and into the forearm, aggravated by neck movement, with or without numbness andor tingling in a portion of the hand, fingers or arm, with or without weakness of arm or hand muscles supplied by that nerve. There may also be pain around the shoulder blades. I84H3DWbL_SY445_-465x465.jpg' alt='The Pillows Discography For' title='The Pillows Discography For' />A nerve root may be irritated or compressed by a bone spurs or osteophytes growing into the exit foramen or canal through which the nerve travels, or b bulging of the part of the disc that lies in front of the nerve the most lateral portion of the disc, not the central portion, or c rupture or herniation of a piece of disc nucleus pulposis through the outer portion of the disc annulus into the nerve canal, or d fracture andor dislocation injury causing bone fragments to narrow andor impinge on the nerve canal rare. In a b and c, a constant repair process is at work, and most symptoms subside over a period of time, usually a few weeks, almost regardless of treatment. Only a small percentage of patients with nerve root pain fail to recover, and require surgery. There are a number of conditions with shoulder, arm and neck pain, weakness of arm andor hand muscles, andor numbness of the arm or hand, that must be differentiated from cervical disc and nerve root problems. Neuralgic amyotophy or brachial plexitis is a condition in which there is inflammation of the nerves in the brachial plexus in the neck, with severe neck and shoulder pain followed by paralysis of shoulder girdle and upper arm muscles, and spontaneous recovery over a period of months. There is no numbness or sensory change in the arm or hand. Thoracic outlet syndrome TOS is a condition in which the nerves in the neck above the collar bone the brachial plexus, which are the continuation of the cervical nerve roots, are entrapped or squeezed by muscles, ligaments or abnormal bone, causing arm and hand discomfort. Peripheral nerves in the arm or hand may be entrapped or inflamed, giving rise to forearm and hand pain and numbness. Examples are entrapped median nerve at the wrist carpal tunnel syndrome, entrapped ulnar nerve at the elbow cubital tunnel syndrome, and peripheral neuropathy of these nerves due to diabetes. Tumours or infections affecting the spinal column, although rare, must also be considered in the differential diagnosis of a patient who complains of persisting neck or arm pain, weakness andor numbness. The fact that a patient with these complaints may have had a neck injury does not rule out the existence of a spinal tumour or infection as the cause of the symptoms. Therefore, all patients with persisting neck and arm pain, with or without weakness or numbness, require a thorough clinical history, physical examination and appropriate imaging. Shoulder joint pain. Pink Floyd news Brain Damage. Just published is the latest issue number 3. November 2. 01. 7 of the Pink Floyd fanzine Heyou run by our friends over at the Italian website of the same name. The 5. 2 page dual language magazine in Italian and English, which is published every six months or so, catches up with things in the Floyd world this year. The magazine has as its major focus Roger Waters his Us Them tour, and his recently released album, Is This The Life We Really Want Rolling Stone interview, a full translation of all the lyrics, and a look at the rehearsal show at the very start of the tour. The Pillows Discography For' title='The Pillows Discography For' />Elsewhere there is an interview with Turkish pianistcomposerarranger Ayse. Deniz Gokcin, who combines classical music with other genres, particularly rock music. She is particularly known for her adaptations of Pink Floyds music. The publishers of Heyou arranged what we hear was an incredible performance by Ayse. Deniz with a supporting group of musicians, The Echoes, on Sunday, November 1. Dario F theater in Camponogara Venezia. The Pillows Discography For' title='The Pillows Discography For' />After the performance, reinterpreting the music of Pink Floyd in a classical, Lisztian style, Alberto Durgante made her an honorary member of the Floydseum cultural association, which he is president of. See photo, left. As with most issues of Heyou, theres a chronological look at things that have happened in the last few months in the news pages, ranging from various magazines published with Floyd content, to re issues, books published, and more. Strangely, there is a very brief mention of David Gilmours Live at Pompeii project one would expect much more about this in the magazine. More details of the Heyou fanzine can be found at www. Europe, and 4. 0 euros outside Europe should go to. This e mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need Java. Script enabled to view it. The Pillows Discography For' title='The Pillows Discography For' />Brain Damage when you writePink Floyd, David Gilmour and Roger Waters news as it happens, information, exclusive interviews, reviews, pictures, tour news, downloads and more Despite, we. Stroll and roll band 2016.