Type 99 Arisaka Serial Numbers

Markings on Japanese Arisaka Rifles and Bayonets of World War. IIMarkings on Japanese Arisaka Rifles and. Bayonets of World War IILast Updated 0. Adapted from Japanese Rifles of World War II, by Duncan O. Mc. Collum, 1. 99. Excalibur Publications, PO Box 3. Latham, NY. 1. 21. USA, ISBN 1 8. 80. Military Rifles of. Japan, by Fred. L. Honeycutt, Jr., and F. Patt Anthony, Fifth. Edition, 1. 99. 6, published by Julin Books, 5. Ridan Way, Palm Beach. The Type 38 rifle Arisaka, sanhachishiki hoheij was a boltaction rifle that supplemented the Type 99 Japanese standard infantry rifle during. Militaria Mart features a reputable dealer directory and resource site for collectors of militaria. Rifle Arisaka Type 99 Manufacturer various Cartridge 7. Overall Length 44. Action Rotation Bolt Barrel Length 25. Magazine 5 rnds fixed box Weight 8. Collectible Foreign Longarms post1898 Important information about ordering firearms from us If you see a firearm that you want, let us know and we will hold it. Information. Close Up Views. Visible Numbers and Markings. Type 38 rifle From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Type 38 rifle Arisaka was a boltaction rifle. Browse all new and used Military Pistols NonUS for sale and buy with confidence from Guns International. This flintlock musket appears to be an early 19th Century British or American trade gun. The government, private companies, and others frequently traded. Type 99 Arisaka Serial Numbers' title='Type 99 Arisaka Serial Numbers' />Gardens, FL 3. ISBN 0 9. 62. 32. Bayonet information from. Bayonets from Janzens Notebook, by Jerry L. Janzen. published by Cedar Ridge Publications, 7. Cedar Ridge Road, Broken Arrow. Oklahoma 7. 40. 11 1. USA. ISBN 0 9. 61. Table of bayonet variations added 0. Production figures added 0. Spelling of Col. Arisakas name updated 0. Markings on Japanese Arisaka Rifles and Bayonets of World War II. The Japanese manufactured over 6. Most of these rifles were still in use during. Sino Japanese War of the 1. Pacific War of the 1. During the war and subsequent American occupation of Japan, thousands of. United States as war souvenirs, making. The Arisaka rifles are named for Colonel Nariaki. Nariakira Arisaka, who headed a commission during the 1. Murata. The Arisaka rifles were designated with the year of the. Thus, the Type 3. Emperor Meiji 1. Type. During the reign of Hirohito, rifles were designated by the last one or. Japanese. calendar. Thus, the Type 9. Japanese calendar. Type 2 paratroop rifle was adopted. A chrysanthemum with 1. Japanese Emperor was. Imperial. Japanese Army, indicating that the rifle belonged to the Emperor. The. chrysanthemum resembles this. The chrysanthemum was at least partially ground off on rifles which were. Rifles. captured in the field, however, normally have the chrysanthemum symbol. The Type designation was stamped into the top of the receiver. Japanese numerals. The. shiki character and the characters for the Japanese numerals are. A small number of Type 3. Type 9. 9 rifles had two concentric circles on. The purpose of these. Kempei Tai Japanese Secret. Police, other military police, and guards at prisons, embassies, and. Some concentric circle rifles were remarked. Type 3. 8 and Type 9. These rifles were serialized separately from regular production. Other rifles apparently were originally manufactured and marked. Each Japanese rifle was marked with the symbol of either the arsenal of. This mark can be found on the left side of the receiver at. Rifles manufactured by a commercial. These marks are shown in the following table. At various times, rifles were removed from military service and sold to. Japanese schools as training weapons. Normally, the chrysanthemum on these rifles was overstamped with the. Koishikawa Tokyo Kokura Arsenal symbol or a ring of small circles to. Imperial Japanese Army. Rifles given to schools often have an additional character stamped on the. Most of these school marked rifles also have two or three. The school mark looks something. All Japanese military rifles had serial numbers except extremely rare. World War II. The serial number was stamped on the left side. Initially, rifles make. Japanese arsenals were numbered consecutively within each Type. In 1. 93. 3 this scheme was replaced by a system in which rifles. Honeycutt, running from serial numbers 0 through 9. Each series was identified by a small Japanese character kana. Specific blocks. of kana were assigned to each arsenal or manufacturer to use for a. The series markings are illustrated in the following. Production Figures. Bose Sounddock Upgrade Program more. The following table, based on information from Mc. Collums and Honeycutts. These figures are only estimates. Blank entries. indicate that the information in the entry immediately above applies to. Production information for sniper rifles, paratroop rifles Types 1. Test Type 1 rifles, and Type I rifles produced by Italy for the. Japanese Navy and not based totally on the Arisaka action are not. Japanese Rifle Production Figures Type. ArsenalSubcontractor Series. Serial number range Dates 3. Koishikawa Tokyo none. Note 1 1. 90. 6 ca. Kokura 2. 0. 2. 9,0. Nagoya none 2,0. 21,0. Note 2       2. 9. Jinsen Korea none. Note 3 ca. 1. 93. Mukden Manchuria. Note 4   3. 8 Concentric Circle Nagoya. Note 5   Kokura none 0 1,5. Note 5 3. 8 Carbine Koishikawa Tokyo none 0 2. Note 6 1. 90. 6 ca. Nagoya none 0 2,0. Mukden Manchuria. Koishikawa Tokyo none. Note 7 1. 91. 1 ca. Kokura none 5. 6,0. Note 8 ca. 1. 93. Nagoya none 0 2,0. Nagoya none. 0 9. Kokura 2. 0. 0 9. Toyo Kogyo 3. 0 0 9. Tokyo Juki Kogyo 2. Izawa Jyuko 4 0 1. Howa Jyuko 9 5. 0,0. Jinsen Arsenal 4. Mukden Arsenal 4. Concentric Circle Nagoya. Nagoya none none assembly numbers 0 7. Tokyo Juki Kogyo 2. Kokura none 0 1,4. Kokura none 1,8. 00 3,4. Koishikawa switched from B to S barrel proof mark in the late. Rifles in this series have been observed with i mum removed and. M or the school mark substituted, or ii mum. Nagoya symbol, an elongated M, or other characters. The elongated M indicates military reserves. Some rifles have been reported stamped with the character signifying. Serial numbers in this range are preceded by two hiragana. Japanese. syllabary. These characters resemble w and 3, and these serial. These rifles will normally be found stamped with a symbol similar to. Carbines with a shallow 0. Koishikawa switched from the B to the S barrel proof mark in the. T proof mark stamped on barrel at receiver. The primary kind of bayonet used on Japanese rifles in World War II was. Type 3. 0, introduced in 1. Tai Game Vua Bai 254 on this page. They averaged about 2. Bayonets from Janzens Notebook. Hooked quillon. Straight quillon. Straight quillon with squared pommel. The bayonets were normally serial numbered, but the serial numbers were. Symbols indicating the arsenals at which the bayonets were manufactured. These markings are identified in the following table. The variations are too numerous to illustrate here, but the following. Honeycutt lists the more commonly found variations. The abbreviations are listed below the table. My references do not list. The following abbreviations are used in the above table. Crossguard SC Straight contoured SR Straight rectangular Grips C Contoured, screw retained CWA Contoured, wrap around, rivet retained SWA Straight, wrap around, rivet retained S Straight, rivet retained Pommel BHC Birdshead, contoured BHF Birdshead, flat sides R Rectangular. As usual, Im not responsible for any factual errors, but please report. Back to Old Military Markings home page.